This page collects relevant publications of the consortium, listed according to the respective project. If publications contribute to more than one project, they are listed only once. What is particularly pleasing is the relatively large number of joint-node publications involving more than one PI at a time. Also, a number of high profile publications have been put out, including 14 papers in the Nature and Science groups until now.

Applications of near-term quantum computers beyond sampling

Quantum computational supremacy via high-dimensional Gaussian boson sampling
A. Deshpande, A. Mehta, T. Vincent, N. Quesada, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, L. Madsen, J. Lavoie, H. Qi, J. Eisert, D. Hangleiter, B. Fefferman, I. Dhand
Science Advances 8, eabi7894 (2022)

Computational advantage of quantum random sampling
D. Hangleiter, J. Eisert
Reviews of Modern Physics 95, 035001 (2023)

Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor
F. H. B. Somhorst et al
Nature Communications 14, 3895 (2023)

A smallest computable entanglement monotone
J. Eisert, M. M. Wilde
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2439 (2022)

Single-component gradient rules for variational quantum algorithms
T. Hubregtsen, F. Wilde, S. Qasim, J. Eisert
Quantum Science and Technology 7, 035008 (2022)

Noise can be helpful for variational quantum algorithms
J. Liu, F. Wilde, A. A. Mele, L. Jiang, J. Eisert
arXiv:2210.06723 (2022)

Verifiable measurement-based quantum random sampling with trapped ions
M. Ringbauer et al.
arXiv:2307.14424 (2023)

A little magic means a lot
A. Gu, L. Leone, S. Ghosh, J. Eisert, S. Yelin, Y. Quek
arXiv:2308.16228 (2023)

Gaussian Boson sampling for binary optimization
J. Cazalis, Y. Chai, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, T. Shah
arXiv:2312.07235 (2023)

Classical-quantum time-sharing and variational manifolds

Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory
L. Catani, W. Leifer, D. Schmidt, R. Spekkens
Quantum 7, 1119 (2023)

Equivalence in delegated quantum computing
F. Wiesner, J. Eisert, A. Pappa
arXiv:2206.07469 (2022)

A perturbative gadget for delaying the onset of barren plateaus in variational quantum algorithms
S. Cichy, P. K. Faehrmann, S. Khatri, J. Eisert
arXiv:2210.03099 (2022)

Connecting XOR and XOR* games
L. Catani, R. Faleiro, P.-E. Emeriau, S. Mansfield, A. Pappa
Physical Review A 109, 012427 (2024)

Learning classical readout quantum PUFs based on single-qubit gates
N. Pirnay, A. Pappa, J.-P. Seifert
Quantum Machine Intelligence 4 (2), 1-10 (2022)

Anonymous conference key agreement in linear quantum networks
J. de Jong, F. Hahn, J. Eisert, N. Walk, A. Pappa
Quantum 7, 1117 (2023)

A note on lower bounds to variational problems with guarantees
J. Eisert
arXiv:2301.06142 (2023)

Chaotic fluctuations in a universal set of transmon qubit gates
D. Basilewitsch, S.-D. Börner, C. Berke, A. Altland, S. Trebst, C. P. Koch
arXiv:2311.14592 (2023)

Noise-induced shallow circuits and absence of barren plateaus
A. A. Mele, A. Angrisani, S. Ghosh, S. Khatri, J. Eisert, D. Stilck França, Y. Quek
arXiv:2403.13927 (2024)

Aspects of the phenomenology of interference that are genuinely nonclassical
L. Catani, M. Leifer, G. Scala, D. Schmid, R. W. Spekkens
Physical Review A 108, 022207 (2023)

Controlling near-term devices

Engineering strong beamsplitter interaction between bosonic modes via quantum optimal control theory
D. Basilewitsch, Y. Zhang, S. M. Girvin, C. P. Koch
Physical Review Research 4, 023054 (2022)

Lie algebra for rotational subsystems of a driven asymmetric top
E. Pozzoli, M. Leibscher, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain, C. P. Koch
Journal of Physics A 55, 215301 (2022)

Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe
C. P. Koch, U. Boscain, T. Calarco, G.Dirr, S. Filipp, S. J. Glaser, R. Kosloff, S. Montangero, T. Schulte-Herbrüggen, D. Sugny, F. K. Wilhelm
EPJ Quantum Technology 9, 19 (20220 (2022)

Optimal control for Hamiltonian parameter estimation in non-commuting and bipartite quantum dynamics
S. Qin, M. Cramer, C. P. Koch, A. Serafini
SciPost Physics 13, 121 (2022)

Optimizing for an arbitrary Schrödinger cat state. II. Application in the presence of dissipation
M. G. Krauss, D. M. Reich, C. P. Koch
arXiv:2209.14678 (2022)

Optimizing for an arbitrary Schrödinger cat state. I. Functionals and application tocoherent dynamics
M. G. Krauss, C. P. Koch, D. M. Reich
Physical Review Research 5, 043051 (2023)

Graph test of controllability in qubit arrays: A systematic way to determine the minimum number of external controls
F. Gago-Encinas, M. Leibscher, C. P. Koch
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 045002 (2023)

Determining the ability for universal quantum computing: Testing controllability via dimensional expressivity
F. Gago-Encinas, T. Hartung, D.M. Reich, K. Jansen, C. P. Koch
Quantum 7, 1214 (2023)

Quantum control of ro-vibrational dynamics and application to light-induced molecular chirality
M. Leibscher, E. Pozzoli, A. Blech, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain, C. P. Koch
Physical Review A 109, 012810 (2024)

Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states
J. Langbehn, K. Snizhko, I. Gornyi, C. Morigi, Y. Gefen, C. P. Koch
arXiv:2311.05258 (2023)

Fast and robust cat state preparation utilizing higher order nonlinearities
S. Zhao, M. G. Krauss, T. Bienaime, S. Whitlock, C. P. Koch, S. Qvarfort, A. Metelmann
arXiv:2312.05218 (2023)

Physically plausible quantum error correction and mitigation

Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes: A lattice perspective
J. Conrad, J. Eisert, F. Arzani
Quantum 6, 648 (2022)

Low-overhead quantum computing with the color code
F. Thomsen, M. S. Kesselring, S. D. Bartlett, B. J. Brown
arXiv:2201.07806 (2022)

Correcting non-independent and non-identically distributed errors with surface codes
K. Tiurev, P.-J. H. S. Derks, J. Roffe, J. Eisert, J.-M. Reiner
Quantum 7, 1123 (2023)

Exponentially tighter bounds on limitations of quantum error mitigation
Y. Quek, D. Stilck Franca, S. Khatri, J. J. Meyer, J. Eisert
Nature Physics, in press (2024)

Anyon condensation and the color code
M. S. Kesselring, J. C. Magdalena de la Fuente, F. Thomsen, J. Eisert, S. D. Bartlett, B. J. Brown
PRX Quantum 5, 010342 (2024)

Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology
P. Faist, M. P. Woods, V. V. Albert, J. M. Renes, J. Eisert, J. Preskill
PRX Quantum 4, 040336 (2023)

Bulk-to-boundary anyon fusion from microscopic models
J. C. M. de la Fuente, J. Eisert, A. Bauer
Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 111904 (2023)

Good Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes from the NTRU cryptosystem
J. Conrad, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
arXiv:2303.02432 (2023)

Decoding quantum color codes with MaxSAT
L. Berent, L. Burgholzer, P.-J. H.S. Derks, J. Eisert, R. Wille
arXiv:2303.14237 (2023)

The domain wall color code
K. Tiurev, A. Pesah, P.-J. H. S. Derks, J. Roffe, J. Eisert, M. S. Kesselring, J.-M. Reiner
arXiv:2307.00054 (2023)

Analog information decoding of bosonic quantum LDPC codes
L. Berent, T. Hillmann, J, Eisert, R. Wille, J. Roffe
arXiv:2311.01328 (2023)

Topological error correcting processes from fixed-point path integrals
A. Bauer
Quantum 8, 1288 (2024)

Non-Abelian holonomy of Majorana zero modes coupled to a chaotic quantum dot
M. Geier, S. Krøjer, F. von Oppen, C. M. Marcus, K. Flensberg, P. W. Brouwer
arXiv:2304.06754 (2023)

Hunting for Majoranas
A. Yazdani, F. von Oppen, B. I. Halperin, A. Yacoby
Science 380, eade0850 (2023)

Resistivity tensor of vortex-lattice states in Josephson junction arrays
A.-G. Penner, K. Flensberg, L. I. Glazman, F. von Oppen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 206001 (2023)

Approximating combinatorial optimization problems

Low-rank tensor decompositions of quantum circuits
P. Gelss, S. Klus, Z. Shakibaei, S. Pokutta
arXiv:2205.09882 (2022)

Improved local models and new Bell inequalities via Frank-Wolfe algorithms
S. Designolle, G. Iommazzo, M. Besançon, S. Knebel, P. Gelß, S. Pokutta
Physical Review Research 5, 043059 (2023)

Quantum optimization: Potential, challenges, and the path forward
A. Abbas et al.
arXiv:2312.02279 (2023)

Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Koopman–von Neumann equation on bounded domains
M. Stengl, P. Gelß, S. Klus, S. Pokutta
arXiv:2306.13504 (2023)

An in-principle super-polynomial quantum advantage for approximating combinatorial optimization problems via computational learning theory
N. Pirnay, V. Ulitzsch, F. Wilde, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
Science Advances 10, eadj5170 (2024)

Continuous optimization methods for the graph isomorphism problem
S. Klus, P. Gelß
arXiv:2311.16912 (2023)

Fredholm integral equations for function approximation and the training of neural networks
P. Gelß, A. Issagali, and R. Kornhuber
arXiv:2303.05262 (2023)

WaveTrain: A Python package for numerical quantum mechanics of chain-like systems based on tensor trains
J. Riedel, P. Gelß, R. Klein, and B. Schmidt
Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 164801 (2023)

An alternative formulation of the quantum phase estimation using projection-based tensor decompositions
S.-M. Stengl
arXiv:2303.05894 (2023)

Quantum dynamics of coupled excitons and phonons in chain-like systems: tensor train approaches and higher-order propagators
P. Gelß, R. Klein, S. Matera, and B. Schmidt
arXiv:2302.03568 (2023)

Novel application areas from molecular and high-energy physics

Strategies for the determination of the running coupling of (2+1)-dimensional QED with quantum computing
G. Clemente, A. Crippa, K. Jansen,
Physical Review D 106, 114511 (2022)

Resource theory of quantum uncomplexity
N. Yunger Halpern, N. B. T. Kothakonda, J. Haferkamp, A. Munson, J. Eisert, P. Faist,
Physical Review A 106, 062417 (2022)

Linear growth of quantum circuit complexity
J. Haferkamp, P. Faist, N. B. T. Kothakonda, J. Eisert, N. Yunger Halpern
Nature Physics 18, 528 (2022)

A quantum information perspective on meson melting
M. C. Banuls, M. P. Heller, K. Jansen, J. Knaute, V. Svensson
Physical Review D 108, 076016 (2023)

Classical splitting of parametrized quantum circuits
C. Tüysüz, G. Clemente, A. Crippa, T. Hartung, S. Kühn, K. Jansen
Quantum Machine Intelligence 5, 34 (2023)

Quantum complexity phase transitions in monitored random circuits
R. Suzuki, J. Haferkamp, J. Eisert, P. Faist
arXiv:2305.15475 (2023)

Complexity-constrained quantum thermodynamics
A. Munson, N. B. Teja Kothakonda, J. Haferkamp, N. Yunger Halpern, J. Eisert, P. Faist
arXiv:2403.04828 (2024)

Particle track reconstruction with noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
T. Schwägerl, C. Issever, K. Jansen, T. Jian Khoo, S. Kühn, C. Tüysüz, H. Weber
arXiv:2303.13249 (2023)

Symmetry breaking in geometric quantum machine learning in the presence of noise
C. Tüysüz, S. Y. Chang, M. Demidik, K. Jansen, S. Vallecorsa, M. Grossi
arXiv:2401.10293 (2024)

First-order phase transition of the Schwinger model with a quantum computer
T. Angelides, P. Naredi, A. Crippa, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, I. Tavernelli, D. S. Wang
arXiv:2312.12831 (2023)

Fermionic wave packet scattering: a quantum computing approach
Y. Chai, A. Crippa, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, V. R. Pascuzzi, F. Tacchino, I. Tavernelli
arXiv:2312.02272 (2023)

Chemically accurate potential curves for H2 molecules using explicitly correlated qubit-ADAPT
H. Volkmann, R. Sathyanaryanan, A. Saenz, K. Jansen, S. Kühn,
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 1244 (2024)

Particle track reconstruction with noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
C. Issever, K. Jansen, T. J. Khoo, S. Kühn, C. Tüysüz, H. Weber
arXiv:2303.13249 (2023)

Quantum computing for high-energy physics: State of the art and challenges. Summary of the QC4HEP working group
A. Di Meglio, K. Jansen, I. Tavernell et al.
arXiv:2307.03236 (2023)

Rigorous statements in quantum-assisted machine learning

Learnability of the output distributions of local quantum circuits
M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, J. Haferkamp, Y. Quek, D. Hangleiter, J.-P. Seifert, J. Eisert, R. Sweke
arXiv:2110.05517 (2021)

A super-polynomial quantum-classical separation for density modelling
N. Pirnay, R. Sweke, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
Physical Review A 107, 042416 (2023)

Encoding-dependent generalization bounds for parametrized quantum circuits
M. C. Caro, E. Gil-Fuster, J. J. Meyer, J. Eisert, R. Sweke
Quantum 5, 582 (2021)

Exploiting symmetry in variational quantum machine learning
J. J. Meyer, M. Mularski, E. Gil-Fuster, A. Anna Mele, F. Arzani, A. Wilms, J. Eisert
PRX Quantum 4, 010328 (2023)

Classical surrogates for quantum learning models
F. Schreiber, J. Eisert, J. J. Meyer,
Physical Review Letters 131, 100803 (2023)

A single T-gate makes distribution learning hard
M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, J. Haferkamp, Y. Quek, D. Hangleiter, J.-P. Seifert, J. Eisert, R. Sweke
Physical Review Letters 130, 240602 (2023)

A super-polynomial quantum-classical separation for density modelling
N. Pirnay, R. Sweke, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
Physical Review A 107, 042416 (2023)

Gradients should stay on path: better estimators of the reverse- and forward KL divergence for normalizing flows
L. Vaitl, K. A. Nicoli, S. Nakajima, P. Kessel
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3, 045006 (2022)

Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models
J. Liu, M. Liu, J.P. Liu, Z. Ye, Y. Wang, Y. Alexeev, J. Eisert, L. Jiang
Nature Communications 15, 434 (2024)

On the average-case complexity of learning output distributions of quantum circuits
A. Nietner, M. Ioannou, R. Sweke, R. Kueng, J. Eisert, M. Hinsche, J. Haferkamp
arXiv:2305.05765 (2023)

Understanding quantum machine learning also requires rethinking generalization
E. Gil-Fuster, J. Eisert, C. Bravo-Prieto
Nature Communications 15, 2277 (2024)

Classical verification of quantum learning
M. C. Caro, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, R. Sweke
In 15th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 287, 24 (2024)

Free fermion distributions are hard to learn
A. Nietner
arXiv:2306.04731 (2023)

Unifying (quantum) statistical and parametrized (quantum) algorithms
A. Nietner
arXiv:2310.17716 (2023)

From peptides to nanostructures: A Euclidean transformer for fast and stable machine learned force fields
J. T. Frank, O. T. Unke, K.-R. Müller, S. Chmiela
arXiv:2309.15126 (2023)

Hybrid quantum machine learning assisted classification of COVID-19 from computed tomography scans
L. Sünkel, D. Martyniuk, J. J. Reichwald, A. Morariu, R. Havish Seggoju, P. Altmann, C. Roch, A. Paschke
arXiv:2310.02748 (2023)

GA4QCO: Genetic algorithm for quantum circuit optimization
L. Sünkel, D. Martyniuk, D. Mattern, J. Jung, A. Paschke
arXiv:2302.01303 (2023)

On the expressivity of embedding quantum kernels
E. Gil-Fuster, J. Eisert, V. Dunjko
arXiv:2309.14419 (2023)

Detecting and mitigating mode-collapse for flow-based sampling of lattice field theories
A. Nicoli, C. J. Anders, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, P. Kessel, S. Nakajima
Physical Review D 108, 114501 (2023)

Physics-informed Bayesian optimization of variational quantum circuits
A. Nicoli, C. Anders, L. Funcke, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, S. Kuhn, K.-R. Müller, P. Stornati, P. Kessel, S. Nakajima
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023)

NeuLat: A toolbox for neural samplers in lattice field theories
A. Nicoli, C. J. Anders, L. Funcke, K. Jansen, S. Nakajima, P.Kessel
The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2023) (2023)

Benchmarking, tomography, and the use of cryptographic primitives in certifying NISQ devices information with an atomic vapor-based quantum light source

Estimating gate-set properties from random sequences
J. Helsen, M. Ioannou, I. Roth, J. Kitzinger, E. Onorati, A. H. Werner, J. Eisert
Nature Communications 14, 5039 (2023)

Learning classical readout quantum PUFs based on single-qubit gates
A. Pappa, N. Pirnay, J.-P. Seifert
Quantum Machine Intelligence 4, 14 (2022)

General framework for randomized benchmarking
J. Helsen, I. Roth, E. Onorati, A. H. Werner, J. Eisert,
PRX Quantum 3, 020357 (2022)

Shallow shadows: Expectation estimation using low-depth random Clifford circuits
C. Bertoni, J. Haferkamp, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, J. Eisert, H. Pashayan
arXiv:2209.12924 (2022)

Scalably learning quantum many-body Hamiltonians from dynamical data
F. Wilde, A. Kshetrimayum, I. Roth, D. Hangleiter, R. Sweke, J. Eisert
arXiv:2209.14328 (2022)

Tomography of Feshbach resonance states
B. Margulis, K. P. Horn, D. M. Reich, M. Upadhyay, N. Kahn, A. Christianen, A. van der Avoird, G. C. Groenenboom, M. Meuwly, C. P. Koch, E. Narevicius
Science 380, 77-81 (2023)

Noise-mitigated randomized measurements and self-calibrating shadow estimation
E. Onorati, J. Kitzinger, J. Helsen, M. Ioannou, A. H. Werner, I. Roth, J. Eisert
arXiv:2403.04751 (2024)

Efficient learning of quantum states prepared with few fermionic non-Gaussian gates
A. A. Mele, Y. Herasymenko
arXiv:2402.18665 (2024)

PAC-learning of free-fermionic states is NP-hard
L. Bittel, A. A. Mele, J. Eisert, L. Leone
arXiv:2404.03585 (2024)

Learning quantum states of continuous variable systems
F. Anna Mele, A. Anna Mele, L. Bittel, J. Eisert, V. Giovannetti, L. Lami, L. Leone, S. F. E. Oliviero
arXiv:2405.01431 (2024)

Efficient distributed inner product estimation via Pauli sampling
M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, S. Jerbi, L. Leone, J. Eisert, J. Carrasco
arXiv:2405.06544 (2024)

Highly efficient integraded single photon sources matched to atomic and molecular transitions

Tailoring photon statistics with an atom-based two-photon interferometer
M. Cordier, M. Schemmer, P. Schneeweiss, J. Volz, A. Rauschenbeutel
arXiv:2212.09592 (2022)

State-insensitive trapping of alkaline-earth atoms in a nanofiber-based optical dipole trap
K. Ton, G. Kestler, D. Filin, C. Cheung, P. Schneeweiss, T. Hoinkes, J. Volz, M. S. Safronova, A. Rauschenbeutel, J. T. Barreiro
PRX Quantum 4, 040308 (2023)

Will a single two-level atom simultaneously scatter two photons?
L. Masters, X. Hu, M. Cordier, G. Maron, L. Pache, A. Rauschenbeutel, M. Schemmer, J. Volz
arXiv:2209.02547 (2022)

Light-matter interaction at the transition between cavity and waveguide QED
D. Lechner, R. Pennetta, M. Blaha, P. Schneeweiss, A. Rauschenbeutel, J. Volz
arXiv:2302.07161 (2023)

Time-frequency quantum key distribution over a free-space optical link
J. Rödiger, N. Perlot, O. Benson, R. Freund
arXiv:2112.04306 (2022)

Integration of on-demand quantum emitters as resource for photonic quantum processing

Spin-lasing in bimodal quantum dot micropillar cavities
N. Heermeier, T. Heuser, J. Große, N. Jung, A. Kaganskiy, M. Lindemann, N. C. Gerhardt, M. R. Hofmann, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2110.06960 (2021)

Design and fabrication of ridge waveguide-based nanobeam cavities for on-chip single-photon sources
U. M. Gür et al.
Optics Express 30, 11973-11985 (2022)

Numerical optimization of single-mode fiber-coupled single-photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots
L. Bremer et al.
Optics Express 30, 15913 (2022)

‚Sawfish‘ photonic crystal cavity for near-unity emitter-to-fiber interfacing in quantum network applications
J. M. Bopp, M. Plock, T. Turan, G. Pieplow, S. Burger, T. Schröder
arXiv:2210.04702 (2022)

Enhancement of interlayer exciton emission in a TMDC heterostructure via a multi-resonant chirped microresonator up to room temperature
C. C. Palekar, B. Rosa, N. Heermeier, C.-W. Shih, I. Limame, A. Koulas-Simos, A. Rahimi-Iman, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2403.06008 (2023)

Room-temperature ladder-type optical memory compatible with single photons from InGaAs quantum dots
B. Maaß, N. V. Ewald, A. Barua, S. Reitzenstein, J. Wolters
arXiv:2402.14686 (2024)

Self-aligned photonic defect microcavities with site-controlled quantum dots
C.-W. Shih, I. Limame, C. C. Palekar, A. Koulas-Simos, A. Kaganskiy, P. Klenovský, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2311.14852 (2023)

High-quality single InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot growth on a CMOS-compatible silicon substrate for quantum photonic applications
I. Limame, P. Ludewig, C.-W. Shih, M. Hohn, C. C. Palekar, W. Stolz, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2311.14849 (2023)

Epitaxial growth and characterization of multi-layer site-controlled InGaAs quantum dots based on the buried stressor method
I. Limame, C.-W. Shih, A. Koltchanov, F. Heisinger, F. Nippert, M. Plattner, J. Schall, M. R. Wagner, S. Rodt, P. Klenovsky, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2311.05777 (2023)

Telecom band quantum dot technologies for long-distance quantum networks
Y. Yu, S. Liu, C.-M. Lee, P. Michler, S. Reitzenstein, K. Srinivasan, E. Waks, J. Liu
arXiv:2311.03993 (2023)

Amplification of interlayer exciton emission in twisted WSe2/WSe2/MoSe2 heterotrilayers
C. C. Palekar, P. E. Faria Junior, B. Rosa, F. B. Sousa, L. M. Malard, J. Fabian, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2311.02509 (2023)

Deterministic creation of large photonic multipartite entangled states with group-IV color centers in diamond
G. Pieplow, Y. Strocka, M. Isaza-Monsalve, J. H. D. Munns, T. Schröder
arXiv:2312.03952 (2023)

AlGaN photonic device platform
S. Gündogdu, S. Pazzagli, T. Pregnolato, T. Kolbe, S. Hagedorn, M. Weyers, T. Schröder
arXiv:2312.03128 (2023)

Generation of photonic cluster states

Intrinsic circularly-polarized exciton emission in a twisted van-der-Waals heterostructure
J. Michl, S. A. Tarasenko, F. Lohof, G. Gies, M. von Helversen, R. Sailus, S. Tongay, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, T. Heindel, S. Reitzenstein, T. Shubina, S. Höfling, C. Antón-Solanas, C. Schneider
Physical Review B 105, L241406 (2022)

Scalable deterministic integration of two quantum dots into an on-chip quantum circuit
S. Li, Y. Yang, J. Schall, M. von Helversen, C. Palekar, H. Liu, L. Roche, S. Rodt, H. Ni, Y. Zhang, Z. Niu, S. Reitzenstein
arXiv:2212.14257 (2022)

Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
T. Heindel, J.-H. Kim, N. Gregersen, A. Rastelli, S. Reitzenstein
Advances in Optics and Photonics 15, 613-738 (2023)

On-demand generation of indistinguishable photons in the Telecom C-band using quantum dot devices
D. A. Vajner, P. Holewa, E. Zięba-Ostój, M. Wasiluk, M. von Helversen, A. Sakanas, A. Huck, K. Yvind, N. Gregersen, A. Musiał, M. Syperek, E. Semenova, T. Heindel
ACS Photonics 11, 339-347 (2024)

Resource-efficient fault-tolerant one-way quantum repeater with code concatenation
K. J. Wo, G. Avis, F. Rozpędek, M. Flors Mor-Ruiz, G. Pieplow, T. Schröder, L. Jiang, A. Søndberg Sørensen, J. Borregaard
npj Quantum Information 9, 123 (2023)

Distributing quantum information with an atomic vapor-based quantum light source

Swing-up of quantum emitter population using detuned pulse
T. K. Bracht, M. Cosacchi, T. Seidelmann, M. Cygorek, A. Vagov, V. Martin Axt, T. Heindel, D. E. Reiter
PRX Quantum 2, 040354 (2021)

Sharing classical secrets with continlus-variable entanglement: Composable security and network coding advantage
N. Walk, J. Eisert
PRX Quantum 2, 040339 (2021)

Simulating quantum repeater strategies for multiple satellite
J. Wallnöfer, F. Hahn, M. Gündoğan, J. S. Sidhu, F. Krüger, N. Walk, J. Eisert, J. Wolters
Communications Physics 5, 169 (2022)

Rate limits in quantum networks with lossy repeaters
R. Laurenza, N. Walk, J. Eisert, S. Pirandola
Physical Review Research 4, 023158 (2022)

A quantum key distribution testbed using a plug&play telecom-wavelength single-photon source featured
L. Rickert, T. Gao, F. Urban, J. Große, N. Srocka, S. Rodt, A. Musiał, K. Żołnacz, P. Mergo, K. Dybka, W. Urbańczyk, G. Sȩk, S. Burger, S. Reitzenstein, T. Heindel
Applied Physics Reviews 9, 011412 (2022)

Limitations of nearest-neighbour quantum networks
F. Hahn, A. Dahlberg, J. Eisert, A. Pappa
Physical Review A 106, L010401 (2022)

Anonymous conference key agreement in linear quantum networks
J. de Jong, F. Hahn, J. Eisert, N. Walk, A. Pappa
Quantum 7, 1117 (2023)

Atomically-thin single-photon sources for quantum communication
T. Gao, M. v Helversen, C. Anton-Solanas, C. Schneider, T. Heindel
npj 2D Materials & Applications 7, 4 (2023)

Evaluating a stand-alone quantum-dot single-photon source for quantum key distribution at Telecom wavelengths
T. Gao, L. Rickert, F. Urban, J. Große, N. Srocka, S. Rodt, A. Musiał, K. Żołnacz, P. Mergo, K. Dybka, W. Urbańczyk, G. Sȩk, S. Burger, S. Reitzenstein, T. Heindel
Applied Physics Review 9, 011412 (2022)

Quantum communication using semiconductor quantum dots
D. A. Vajner, L. Rickert, T. Gao, K. Kaymazlar, T. Heindel
Advanced Quantum Technology 7, 2100116 (2022)

Extracting maximal entanglement from linear cluster states
J. de Jong, F. Hahn, N. Tscholtchev, M. Hauswirth, A. Pappa
Physical Review Research 6, 013330 (2024)

ReQuSim: Faithfully simulating near-term quantum repeaters
J. Wallnöfer, F. Hahn, F. Wiesner, N. Walk, J. Eisert
PRX Quantum, in press (2024)

High-performance designs for fiber-pigtailed quantum-light sources based on quantum dots in electrically-controlled circular Bragg gratings
L. Rickert, F. Betz, M. Plock, S. Burger, T. Heindel
Optics Express 31, 14750 (2023)

Advantage of multi-partite entanglement for quantum cryptography over long and short ranged networks
J. Memmen, J. Eisert, N. Walk
arXiv:2312.13376 (2023)

Scalable quantum photonic devices emitting indistinguishable photons in the telecom C-band
P. Holewa, E. Zięba-Ostój, D. A. Vajner, M. Wasiluk, B. Gaál, A. Sakanas, M. Burakowski, P. Mrowiński, B. Krajnik, M. Xiong, A. Huck, K. Yvind, N. Gregersen, A. Musiał, T. Heindel, M. Syperek, E. Semenova
arXiv:2304.02515 (2023) 

Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography
Y. Karli, D. A. Vajner, F. Kappe, P. C. A. Hagen, L. M. Hansen, R. Schwarz, T. K. Bracht, C. Schimpf, S. F. Covre da Silva, P. Walther, A. Rastelli, V. Martin Axt, J. C. Loredo, V. Remesh, T. Heindel, D. E. Reiter, G. Weihs
npj Quantum Information 10, 17 (2024)

Quantum information aspects of discrete holography

Overlapping qubits from non-isometric maps and de Sitter tensor networks
C. J. Cao, W. Chemissany, A. Jahn, Z. Zimborás
arXiv:2304.02673 (2023)

Holographic codes from hyperinvariant tensor networks
M. Steinberg, S. Feld, A. Jahn
Nature Communications 14, 7314 (2023)